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Where Recycled Paper Goes Graph

In 2022, nearly half of recycled paper went into making containerboard - the material used to make cardboard boxes.

Cardboard Recycling Graph

In 2022, 93.6% of cardboard boxes were recycled. Keep up the good work by breaking boxes down flat, keeping them dry and clean, and then put them in the bin. 

Cardboard Recycling Rate Graphic

93.6% of all cardboard boxes were recycled in 2022. The recycling rate for cardboard has exceeded 82% since 2009. 

Paper and Cardboard Recycling Rate Graphic

Paper recycling is a success. In 2022, nearly 68% of paper was recycled and more than 93% of cardboard boxes were recycled.

十大菠菜软件 Releases Q2 2023 Boxboard Quarterly Report

Total Boxboard production in Q2 decreased 11% compared to Q2 2022. The boxboard operating rate was 86.6%, down 7.6 points from Q2.

Let’s Set the Record Straight. Pizza Boxes are Recyclable.

We’re aiming to answer a common question that causes a lot of confusion across the United States: Are pizza boxes recyclable? We’re here to set the record straight. 

十大菠菜软件 Details U.S. Paper Production and Capacity Trends

十大菠菜软件 released the 63rd Paper Industry Capacity and Fiber Consumption Survey. Overall, U.S. paper and paperboard capacity declined slightly by 0.4% in 2022.

十大菠菜软件 Releases Q1 2023 Boxboard Quarterly Report

Total Boxboard production in Q1 decreased 5% compared to Q1 2022. The boxboard operating rate was 87.8%, down 6.1 points from Q1.

十大菠菜软件 Releases Q1 2023 Containerboard Quarterly Report

Total Containerboard production in the first quarter of 2023 decreased 10% when compared to Q1 2022.

What is Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility is a waste management strategy that is getting a lot of attention in the U.S., mostly at the state level. The paper industry is already a responsible producer and has a track record of success. We recycle nearly 75% more paper today than we did in 1990. Dive in…

Is Cardboard Recyclable?

Cardboard is a highly recyclable material that’s widely accepted for recycling in recycling programs across the U.S. By choosing to recycle cardboard, we can all play a role in creating a more sustainable future. 

Designing Paper-Based Packaging to Meet Sustainability Goals

Lisa Berghaus, Director of Marketing Communications for Monadnock Paper Mills, explains the paper-based packaging design process and how the industry is working with brands to meet sustainability goals.